Topo Volcanic Complex

The Topo Volcanic Complex is a volcanic complex in a part of the island of São Jorge, Azores. It is made up of lava origins, basalt, hawaiite, mugearite under type aa, makes up of pyroclastic origin mostly on circumscripts with cinder cones formed by Strombolian eruptions.

Its main presence are founded in numerous shield volcanoes lining from northwest to southeast and east-southeast to west-northwest. Observes mainly only in coverture, as high as 700 m, and made up of turfs and are saturated in water. Data from K/ar observed by Feraud et al. (1980), that made its volcanic activity on the complex that began around 600,000 years ago.


Its features around the complex includes the Pico do Brejo do Cordeiro and several others.


This article incorporates information from this version of the equivalent article on the Portuguese Wikipedia.